Privacy Policy

I. Introduction

XVI is committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal information.
This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, disclose, and protect the personal information you provide to us when visiting our website or interacting with our online services.

II. Information We Collect

We may collect the following types of information:

  • Personal Information: Such as your name, email address, phone number, or other contact details when you provide them voluntarily.
  • Automatically Collected Information: This includes your IP address, browser type, operating system, and other usage information when you visit our website.
  • Cookies and Tracking Technologies: We use cookies and similar technologies to collect data about your browsing habits and preferences. You can manage your cookie preferences through your browser settings.

III. How We Use Your Information

We use the information collected for the following purposes:

  • Provide Services: To improve and personalize your experience on our website.
  • Communication: To send you updates, newsletters, and marketing communications if you’ve opted in.
  • Analytics: To understand how our website is used and to improve our content and user experience.

IV. Sharing Your Information

We do not sell or rent your personal information to third parties. However, we may share your information with:

  • Service Providers: Third-party service providers who help us operate our website and deliver our services.
  • Legal Compliance: To comply with legal or regulatory requirements.

V. Security

We implement reasonable security measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access or disclosure. However, no data transmission over the internet can be guaranteed as 100% secure.

VI. Your Choices

You have the right to access, update, or delete your personal information. You can also opt-out of marketing communications at any time by following the provided instructions.

VII. Third-Party Links

Our website, WWW.XVI.GLOBAL may contain links to third-party websites, which have their own privacy policies. XVI is not responsible for the practices and policies of these third parties.

VIII. Children’s Privacy

Our website and services are not intended for children under 13.
XVI does not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under the age of 13. If you are under the age of 13, you must ask your parent or guardian for permission to use this website.

IX. Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy to reflect changes in our practices or for legal reasons. Please check this policy periodically for updates.

X. Contact Us

XVI welcomes your questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy or your personal information, please contact us at:

1441 Woodmont Lane NW
Suite 1631
Atlanta, Georgia 30318

Email Address:

These Terms and Conditions are effective as of November 14, 2023.